トラブルシューティングSimple Directional blend should not have multiple motion in almost the same directionトラブルシューティング
トラブルシューティングSelected texture format ‘Unsupported’ for platform ‘iPhone’ is not valid with the current texture type ‘Default’.トラブルシューティング
トラブルシューティングException encountered in operation Resource(xxx): Unknown error in AsyncOperation UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent()トラブルシューティング
トラブルシューティングException: Calling TargetGuidByName with name=’Unity-iPhone’ is deprecated. There are two targets now, call GetUnityMainTargetGuid() – for app or GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid() – for source/plugins to get Guid instead.トラブルシューティング
トラブルシューティングAddressables – runtime data was built with a different build target. Expected StandaloneWindows64, but data was built with StandaloneWindows. Certain assets may not load correctly including shaders. You can rebuild player content via the Addressable Assets window.トラブルシューティング