unity2019.4.5 timeline1.4.1
Playables.PlayableDirector - Unity スクリプトリファレンス
Instantiates a PlayableAsset and controls playback of Playable objects.
PlayableDirectorの durationとtimeを使うのが楽です。
public bool IsDone(){
return _playableDirector.time >= _playableDirector.duration;

How to know when a timeline is complete ?
Hi guys, When playing a timeline how to detect it has been completely played? I tried to compare the time and duration properties but when the timeline wrap pr...
- wrapMode==None
- PlayableDirector.state != Playing(pauseしたときも反応しちゃう?
- PlayableDirector.onStop += OnStopped(pauseしたときも反応しちゃう?
- signalを設定
- wrapMode==Hold
- signalを設定
- wrapMode==Loop
- signalを設定(というかloopは終了判定要らないような???
[…] Timeline の終了判定取得方法まとめ | まさかみブログ […]