Crafting Old Temple Floor in Substance Designer
Casper Wermuth showed how he created his Old Temple Floor material. The entire project was created with Substance Designer and Marmoset Toolbag.

Crafting Grand Well-Balanced Environments
Brie Gibson shared the production details of her environment and talked about the blockout, composition, material & foliage lighting tricks, and more.

Creating a Scene for Blizzard Student Art Contest
Alex Iveroth introduced his winning project Midsummer Flower Festival made for the Blizzard Student Art contest and talked about his workflow and experience.

Creating an Italian Alley Environment with UE4
Game Art student Stijn van Gaal is showing the details of making a welcoming Italian alleyway under the mentorship of Christopher Radsby

Designing a Dishonored Inspired Environment
Alina Vilhjalmsdottir talked about her Dishonored inspired scene made with UE4 and Substance tools, the prop production, texturing, and more.

Designing a Noir Scene in UE4 at Ringling College
Devin Dixon talked about the development of the large interactive UE4 project Ain’t No Mountain, Baby made at Ringling College and her studies.

Environment Production: Space Station Lounge in UE4
Rogelio Delgado shared the details of his recent UE4 project Space Station Lounge and talked about the scene design, modularity, glass, skybox, and more.

Technical and Art Tips for Environment Artists
Sam Gao talked about the stylized art direction of one of his projects with a Ghibli style and shared several tips for environment artists.

UE4 Environment Inspired by Classic Painting
Ronald Houtermans did a breakdown of the Watermill scene made with UE4, Megascans, SpeedTree, and other tools.

Technical Tips for Environment Artists: Part 2
The second part of a guide by Harry Gray will tell you about setting up a scene in Unreal, polishing and optimizing, and more.

Technical Tips for Environment Artists: Part 1
Harry Gray allowed us to repost his guide with numerous technical tips for environment artists.

Crafting a Harbor Scene in Unity
Djordy Donopawiro did a breakdown of the peaceful harbor scene made in Unity: terrain production, natural assets, lighting, and more.

Production of Cinematic Large-Scale Environments
James Hodgart, a Lead Environment Artist at Axis Studios, talked about the production and testing of large-scale environments, and tools used in the studio.

DICE: Behind the Art of Battlefield and Battlefront
The team of DICE kindly talked about the production of Battlefield V and Star Wars: Battlefront II and gave advice for those who are new to the industry.

Environment in Unreal: Finding the Perfect Look
Peter Leban prepared a great breakdown of his 3D environment The Two Crows made in Unreal with SpeedTree and Megascans.

Crafting a Magician's Studio Environment in UE4
Salvatore Gambino prepared a breakdown of his Magician's Studio made in UE4: blockout, circular modular system, ivy, stained glass, marble mosaic, lighting.