
Exception encountered in operation Resource(xxx): Unknown error in AsyncOperation UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent()

Unity2019.3 AddressableとURPでAndroid iPhone Windowsゲーム開発事例

Exception: Calling TargetGuidByName with name=’Unity-iPhone’ is deprecated. There are two targets now, call GetUnityMainTargetGuid() – for app or GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid() – for source/plugins to get Guid instead.

Request error (error): UnityEditor.AsyncHTTPClient:Done(State, Int32)

Addressables – runtime data was built with a different build target. Expected StandaloneWindows64, but data was built with StandaloneWindows. Certain assets may not load correctly including shaders. You can rebuild player content via the Addressable Assets window.

[Addressable] build machineでなぜか[SerializeField]の値がNoneになっている

win standaloneゲームをAndroidに移植した話